7 Surprising Things Covered by Home Insurance

Fires, natural disasters, and other dangers to your home tend to be the first things people think of when considering what a homeowner insurance policy covers. But the truth is, these policies cover much more than just obvious things. Here are some things your home insurance provider may be able to provide you with coverage for.

7 Surprising Things Covered by Homeowner Insurance

1. Liability Lawsuits

If somebody falls and injures themselves on your property or sustains an injury due to a potentially-dangerous feature of your property, such as a swimming pool, you may find yourself legally liable for the damage they suffer. Liability coverage in your home insurance policy can help to alleviate this issue, with your insurer helping to pay any medical fees that result from the injury.

2. Sheds, Patios, or Other Structures

You may think of your home insurance policy as covering only your home itself, but other features on your property may be protected. If a shed or other outlying structure is damaged, your insurance policy likely covers that event as well. Even your lawn and landscaping features may be included under a home insurance policy.

3. Identity Theft

Identity theft is a difficult experience that can be very damaging to your financial well-being, but certain insurance policies or additional coverage options may be able to help. If your insurance policy includes identity theft protection, your insurer may be able to help with legal fees, lost wages, or other expenses that result from the theft.

4. Dorm Room Possessions

If a child in your family goes off to college and stays in a dorm, the things they bring with them to their dorm may be covered under your home’s insurance policy. It’s important to note that policies that include this coverage only cover items in a dorm room, so a student in off-campus housing wouldn’t be covered.

5. Gravestones

If you have a gravestone or memorial marker on your property, it will be covered under most standard insurance policies. If the memorial marker ends up damaged or stolen, your insurance provider can help you cover the expenses of replacing or repairing it.

6. Spoiled Food

If a disaster covered under your insurance causes the home to lose power which results in refrigerated and frozen food spoiling, your insurance provider may reimburse you for lost food. If your policy includes this coverage, be sure to record what food is lost so that you can be reimbursed accordingly.

7. Falling Objects

While the chances of debris from a satellite or aircraft falling into your property are astronomically low, these events can also be included in your home insurance policy. Most standard home insurance policies cover everything from asteroids to satellites to help you with repairs after this unfortunate and unlikely event.

Getting the right insurance policy will help you be prepared in the event of any of these unexpected circumstances. We’ll help you find a provider that gives you the coverage you need. Search on Absolute Choice Insurance today!


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